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New Features and Mobile Friendliness

Posted: Dec 25 2023

Good news – our site is now (mostly) rocking it on mobile. We've expanded the pages to full width and streamlined everything into the left-side navigation bar. For a smoother experience, we've also consolidated “Preferences” into a single page on the dashboard. Plus, the search engine has been integrated into the experience.

Charts Are Now Free

In line with our new layout, we've rolled out some neat new features. Here's the best part: Our charting functions---including that handy mini-chart in the item preview that shows the bidding activity over time---are now free for everyone.

Other New Features:

  • Countdown Timers: A ticking clock for snipes ending soon, plus a pulsating auction as the snipe is executed, to add to the nail-biting suspense of winning that rare item.
  • New Log Feature: Want to see the history of your snipe? Just click the new “log” icon for a detailed view of its journey.
  • Authorization Checks: We’re now double-checking your eBay authorization 8, 16, and 24 hours before the auction ends, to ensure your snipes are all set.
  • Improved Searching: For your saved searches, you can now specify min and max prices. The search also gets smarter with suggestions and spell checks.
  • New API Call for Developers: For the tech-savvy, we've added a new API call, `checkSnipeStatus`, to keep you updated on your snipe's outcome.
  • SMS Alerts: Win an auction? You'll get an immediate SMS alert, working perfectly now.
  • Various Bug Fixes: We've ironed out the kinks for a smoother, more reliable experience.

We're excited about these updates and hope you find them as useful as we do. Enjoy the new and improved experience!
