We added a useful feature for detecting reserve prices make your sniping life easier!
We now detect whether a listing has a reserve price set on it by the seller. If so, it will say THIS AUCTION HAS A RESERVE next to it in your snipe list.
The reserve price refers to the hidden cost that the seller sets as a minimum price to sell the item. In other words, if you do not bid high enough to meet the reserve price, the seller is not obligated to sell the item to you.
“How come BidSlammer doesn’t have a feature to beat reserve prices? To continue incrementing my bid until the reserve is met?"
If your bid is not high enough to meet the reserve price, BidSlammer will not automatically raise or adjust your bid in order to win the auction. The reason we do not add this feature is because of the consequences of offering this kind of feature to you, the customer. You never know how much you would pay. Often, sellers will intentionally leave a very, very high absurdly large reserve on a low-cost item because they have no intention of selling it, they just want to see its market value.
If your bid is high enough to meet the reserve price, the eBay will automatically adjust your bid to the minimum amount necessary to purchase the item. Example: Item shows $50. Reserve is $100. You bid $200. You will win for $100, if you are the only bidder.
Knowing that the auction has a reserve will alert you to the reason why a particular auction has a very low price despite its large number of bids -- because it has a reserve. In this situation you may want to consider increasing your bid maximum.
Good luck sniping! We hope you enjoy the new feature.
Your Friends at BidSlammer