As you can see, we gave a slight facelift to our site with the help of the ever-popular style sheets available free from Twitter. We have done this to prep for growth for some new features we will be releasing very soon! We kept most of our old look, but we did change how we display, update, and refresh your snipes.
10X Site Speedup - Probably the most significant of these changes is that the site is much faster, as things are all done in parallel now. Customers with hundreds of snipes will really notice a difference. No more waiting 2 minutes for all your items to refresh! Try it! (Items for paid subscribers will still update 2x daily as always.) You are limited to refreshing your listings no more than once every two minutes.
Here are some of the other changes:
- Table format - The snipes are in table format with just two groups now, 'Won' and 'Lost', which we think is much better than the older confusing layout.
- Instant gratification - We now tell you if you are outbid as soon as you enter your new snipe value instead of having to wait for a page load.
- Many buttons removed - The buttons were not needed since the updates are automatic now.
- New Preferences Pane - Styled to allow for growth of new features.
- 90-day limit on listings- We limit the number of snipes shown to reduce time in loading the page.
We hope you enjoy this new layout. Please feel free to post any questions, problems, or enhancement requests here. Make sure to ask now while this is all still fresh! ;=)