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Posted: May 5 2009

Welcome to BidSlammer Blog!

We've decided to finally put up a blog for the more important announcements. As our long-term users know, BidSlammer is a very special project to us. Since our launch in 2000, we have listened very carefully to our customers about auction sniping. Every customer comment has contributed to the website in some way or has helped us to add something unique to the service. Together we have created something really useful that makes buying on eBay a much better experience! Nine years have gone into BidSlammer, and we're dedicated to making it better every day. Thank you for making us part of your eBay experience.

More Cool Stuff is Coming

Speaking of your eBay experience, it's about to get even better! A few keen eyes have noticed: Over the last 6-8 months we have re-written the entire bidding software. This gives us more stability for future enhancements. We will be adding back our award-winning search and scout service. Also we will support more spoken languages.